Sunday, June 10, 2012

Giveaway!! Giveaway!!...and a Weenie Dog

It's been a while since we've had a giveaway here at the Brunette Librarian and I have some pretty cool prizes to giveaway!

I know its not entirely book related but its still pretty cute. I'm giving away a Large "Hot 'n Juicy" Wendy's T-shirt and a $5 gift card to B&N or Amazon.

No big ways to enter - leave a blog comment on a review and your entered. 

Daisy Jane, my little weenie dog, is currently in a contest on Facebook. Get 5 extra entries for voting. You don't have to vote for her but it would be appreciated! 
You can vote and earn an entry each day!

Good luck! The winner will be picked June 14th.


  1. No need to enter me in the giveaway but I voted for Daisy, she's so adorable :)

  2. :) Thank you so very much! She's outside now barking at a random squirrel but when she comes in she will send her thanks too! :D

  3. I commented on Inproper Relations!

  4. I commented on the Small Bunny's Blue Blanket.

  5. i commented on your review of 50 shades of grey
