Monday, August 20, 2012

What Do You Look For in a Review??


What do you look for in a review?


      Being honest about a book is about the most important thing any blogger can do. We aren't publicists, we aren't editors, we are readers. I know I have my blog to share my favorite books and help warn people away from those books that aren't very good. 
     Picking up a book after reading a glowing review - then HATING it, is a terrible feeling. I feel betrayed somewhat. Then afterword, I don't even want to visit the blog anymore thinking I can't trust the blogger or their views.
     I know that lots of bloggers hate to be mean and I totally understand that. I don't want anyone to be mean, but I do want them to be honest. If you didn't like it, state why! Were the characters underdeveloped? Unrealistic? Was the story just craaazy? We are all adults and we understand we don't have the same views. But be honest and don't LOVE a book when its only mediocre or you are getting free books. 

What do YOU look for in a review??


  1. Well said! If bloggers *hate* posting an I-Hate-it review they could offer dueling reviews. Someone out there probably likes it. Offer a second opinion on the site.

  2. I agree, honesty is important. I don't like mean or snarky reviews myself, but saying what you didn't like and why isn't mean, that's just honest.

  3. I totally want honesty. I keep track of the recommendations I read because if I have the opposite opinion I may continue following but won't take the recommendations anymore.

    I have noticed that comments may say I understand your opinion but it wasn't a big deal to them, that I can respect also.

  4. Absolutely the same: an honest reaction to the book is a vital part of the review for me. I know some people will find something a 5* that I might find a 2* - that's fine. As long as I know it's their own honest reaction.

  5. Great post, completely agree. I gave a 2 star review last week and took a little flack about it but it was my honest opinion. I defended my view and moved on. It's not often that I hate a book but there are some definite stinkers out there even in genres I love.

  6. I like short reviews. I appreciate it when reviewers tell me about formatting issues in the electronic editions. That's my pet peeve! I'm following you, thanks!

  7. Honesty - yes, very important, and I agree with you that there are big differences between being honest and being mean. This was my first visit to your blog, and I look forward to following.

  8. I can't believe I didn't think of writing about honesty. Such an important thing too! I do try not to outwardly say a book is bad unless I absolutely hate it. Did this blog hop too and hope you can check it out. Cute blog btw.

  9. Honesty is important and respecting another's opinion that might not be the same as mine.

  10. Thankfully I've never outright hated a book but I know there will come a time when I will. I just hope I can at least find one thing that was good about it so I don't sound like I'm trashing it.

  11. Truth! Have you ever read a book that got a glowing review and thought, Wow,that must have been the author's mother. Maybe it was!

  12. This looks like a great hop! I just wanted to say that I loved your answer. HONESTY! Yes, yes, triple yes :)

  13. What I loved about your post is that is was right to the point. That is why I like people to be honest in their reviews. Thank you.


  14. :) I am one of those people who find it hard to give a negative review. So I usually e-mail the author if I am rating the book 2 or below. If they still want out there - then I post or else I let it go.

    Thanks for stopping by my post.
    DDS @ b00k r3vi3ws

  15. Great post! I like to read honest reviews. If I don't like a book- or if I would give it less than 3 stars- I don't review it. So, I only review the books I like or love. :) I don't want someone to say they like a book that they don't.


  16. I agree -- honesty is key. And no one should EVER write a positive review just because she received a free book and/or is part of a promotion. On the other hand I like it when a blogger writes a balanced review of a book she didn't like, mentioning the positives and negatives, so I can decide for myself. Because even if the book didn't work for her, my mileage may vary. :-) Great post!

  17. You nailed it! What's the point of a review if it doesn't reflec the way the reviewer felt at all? I like to point out good things rather than bad, but I have to point out both or my readers will be cheated. And they might even like my "bad" things, so it's only fair to say and explain.

    If I'm really uncomfortable about a book and feel I can't say anything I'd want to say for one reason or another, I just stop the reviewing process!

    Great post ;)
