Monday, November 19, 2012

2012 YA Lit Symposium - Make it Pop

Make it Pop:
How to Use Pop Culture in Your Library
YALSA's Young Adult Literature Symposium

Librarian's are not widely known as being funny and on top of pop culture...but we really really are! I cannot tell you how often I talk about music, TV shows, movies and just basic weird stuff our society puts out there with my co-workers. I wasn't sure Make it Pop would help me since I was such a fan of pop culture already, but boy was I wrong!

First of all, I want to point out that I think both Sarah Wethern and Scott Rader may have been my favorite speakers from all of the programs I attended. I am totally going to pimp their twitter feeds (click on their names) because they are both adorable and incredibly funny!

Both Scott and Sarah emphasized fandom and the importance of popculture in our libraries, especially in our teen programming. 

We need to go where the teens are going, not  where you think they are going or where they were six months ago. They pointed out that Draw Something was huge about six months ago, but barely anyone is wanting anything to do with it now. The same thing happened with Hungry Birds and to some extent the Twilight phenomenon.

Scott and Sarah pointed out how pop culture can go against typical stereotypes. During this developmental times for teens, its important for them to explore things that appeal to them. 

Lots of fun display ideas and programming concepts were shared. 
Loved this program and triple loved the presenters! 
Remember to use pop culture in your library - the teens will ultimately love your awesomeness.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really interesting program! I don't work directly with teens (I'm the adult services librarian but I order teen books) but I hope to go to YA Lit Symposium some day.

    It is true that what is popular with teens changes so quickly.
