Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! -
What Are You Reading?
is hosted weekly on Mondays
by Sheila from

Post the books you read last week, books currently reading, and books you plan on finishing this week!

What I've Read this week...
Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2)
Down London Road
By: Samantha Young
Johanna Walker is used to taking charge. But she’s about to meet someone who will make her lose control....

It has always been up to Johanna to care for her family, particularly her younger brother, Cole. With an absent father and a useless mother, she’s been making decisions based on what’s best for Cole for as long as she can remember. She even determines what men to date by how much they can provide for her brother and her, not on whatever sparks may—or may not—fly.

But with Cameron MacCabe, the attraction is undeniable. The sexy new bartender at work gives her butterflies every time she looks at him. And for once, Jo is tempted to put her needs first. Cam is just as obsessed with getting to know Jo, but her walls are too solid to let him get close enough to even try.

Then Cam moves into the flat below Jo’s, and their blistering connection becomes impossible to ignore. Especially since Cam is determined to uncover all of Jo’s secrets …even if it means taking apart her defenses piece by piece.

Currently Reading...
Lone Wolf (Shifters Unbound #4.6)
Lone Wolf
By: Jennifer Ashley
Ellison Rowe, a Lupine Shifter, makes it his goal to protect Maria, once held captive by ferals, from male Shifters looking for mates. He likes Maria's resilience and fire, but she's been broken, and Ellison wants more than anything to heal her. When a new danger threatens Shiftertown's cubs, Maria partners with Ellison to stop a cold-blooded criminal.

Went to a bonafide Cafe this week for lunch with a friend. So glad its Spring!
What are you reading this week?


  1. WOW... some steamy book covers this week (on the right column). HA! I need to venture into this genre more... a little romance never hurt anyone.

    I'm reading one of my favorite authors this week, forcing myself to slow down and enjoy since she publishes less often than many.

    Have a wonderful week with your book choices.

  2. First visit to your blog.
    Last week I started a new book called Fat Profits. So far it has been a good book.

  3. I want SPRING too! It's still cold and snowy! ;) I hope you have a fab week of reading!

  4. Woohoo spring! I love spring, for me it means all my ice cream places open for the season!

    Lone Wolf looks like an interesting read. This is the first time I've heard of this book.

    Happy reading!

  5. I like the look of Down London Road...enjoy your reading, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Looks like a fun place for lunch! I never thought I would like shifter novels, but I do. Have a great week.

  7. Enjoy the lovely spring weather and getting out and about.
    Have a great week and happy reading :)

  8. I love spring and even broke out a skirt this morning. i tend to hibernate in the winter and hate the cold. One of these days I'll move to a warmer climate.

    Have a great week and I hope you enjoy the Ashley book.

  9. I still haven't read On Dublin Street, I need to catch up.
    Happy reading.
    thanks for stopping by My It’s Monday!
